Nature Station

Masterplan to Create 30 Acre Food & Nature Centre

The project is an ecological masterplan addressing ecological regeneration of farmland and wetlands as a demonstration organic farm and nature reserve.

The site for the project is located in drumlin country along the River Erne water system in Co Monaghan. Most of the low-lying areas are flooded half of the year and the wetlands are known as an important habitat for wintering wildfowl.

The  green masterplan is a comprehensive inventory of the topography, water features, natural habitats & species, historical background, land use and ownership, etc. of the site and surrounding areas, and analysis of current conditions. McHargian analysis was used to ensure ecological optimisation of all decisions.

The new “Nature Station” was to be the first of its kind in Ireland and is intended particularly as an educational setting for young people of the area and from other areas of Ireland and Northern Ireland. School children and students will use the facilities to learn about the environment, flora, fauna and wetlands ecology on site. Visitors can also learn about sustainable living and how we can protect our natural heritage. Finally, laboratory facilities will be available for scientific research at the university level.

Many of the proposals were adopted in the later Ballybay Wetland Centre project



Ballybay, Co. Monaghan